Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm a Nick who Won a Computer!

I don't know if you guys remember me posting about this but a few months ago I entered a YouTube contest put on by HP that was called "You On You". Basically, the objective was to describe who you are in sixty seconds without showing your face.

So I threw a little something together, uploaded it, and started a massive facebook campaign to get votes so I could win something. Well.. guess what? I won something! I am blogging now from my brand new HP Pavilion Artist's Edition Notebook!

My entry in the HP You on You contest. It's titled I'm a Nick.

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who voted. I didn't win any of the huge prizes but I got into the Top 100. The Top 100 entries were the entries that got the most votes. So thank you everyone who voted for me to get me into the Top 100. I really, really appreciate it!

I received the laptop yesterday in this packaging:

I opened it up...

and lifted the lid...

This is a limited edition laptop by HP and it came loaded with free video, photo, and sound editing software. At first I wasn't crazy about the designs that came along with it but they're starting to grow on me. I don't mind them as much anymore.

The designs on either side of the keyboard for the HP Artist's Edition Notebook.

It's a pretty powerful computer. It came with a 500GB hard drive and 4.00GB of RAM (Sorry to bore you all with technical specifications but that's REALLY GOOD). It also has a graphics card that, unlike my old computer, will actually let me play games.


I've got a slew of games lined up starting with LOST: Via Domus and followed by Left For Dead and then Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

This computer will not only be good for games. With more memory, I will have an easier time running video editing software meaning I could edit videos with more ease and comfort.

Stay tuned for some more of my projects!


  1. Congrats Nick!


  2. Congratulations!

    I'm so happy that you finall got it!

  3. Congrats, Nick!!! I didn't doubt it for a minute. Way to go!!!!...Aunt Nancy

  4. omg its so prettyyy!!! i love it

  5. Oh my gosh Nick that is so awesome!!! You had a great idea with your video so it makes sense. Congratulations! :)

  6. So this is super late, but WOOO, congrats nick! :D
    It's Carly btw, Kinsel is my blogger name.
