Saturday, December 5, 2009
My New Season
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Writer's Block Un-Blocked
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
United States of Zombieland
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I'm a Nick who Won a Computer!
My entry in the HP You on You contest. It's titled I'm a Nick.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
V is for Visitors
I just watched the pilot episode for ABC's new...ish series about visitors from another planet, V.

Now I say new-ish because the show is actually a remake of a 1984 TV series of the same name. I haven't seen the original - yet - so I can't make a comparison with its remake - yet.
The show is about an alien population, who call themselves the Visitors or Vs, coming to Earth and asking humans for water and food in exchange for technological information that they say will benefit the human population. They have several ships hovering over all of the world's major cities (think District 9 but not just in Johannesburg) and their leader, who goes by the name of Anna, comes down to Earth to meet with the world's leaders.
As the episode progresses, we learn that these aliens are not what they seem to be and that they cannot be trusted. A determined FBI Agent, Erica Evans, is tracking a terrorist cell when she finds intel about a secret meeting. She goes to the meeting location and discovers that it is not a terrorist cell at all: it is a group of civilians teaming up to begin a resistance against the aliens. Erica learns that there are Visitors living amongst humans, in disguise. Suddenly, the meeting is interrupted by a group of the Visitors, one of them being Erica's partner at the FBI.
I say this because the pilot episode did not give the audience enough character development to make them care. In order to tune in to a show every week, an audience needs to care about the characters and what happens to them. I found Erica to be very bland. She reminds me of a less aggressive Olivia Dunham. Although I do have to say that Elizabeth Mitchell plays a much better Erica than she does Juliette. Logan Huffman plays Erica's son Tyler, an angsty teen who lashes out at his mother because of her absence in his life. He decides it's a smart idea to become a "Peace Ambassador" for the Visitors, mostly because his mother is not comfortable with them.
Joel Gretsch plays a cynical priest who is only trying to do the right thing. The writers did well creating conflict in this character who, in the beginning is doubting the existence of God because of this extraterrestrial life. Soon enough, he is dragged into the resistance, kicks some Visitor ass, and decides that he will fight to defeat the Visitors.
We then have Georgie and Ryan, played by David Richmond-Peck and Morris Chestnut respectively, two old friends who seem to have lived through something similar before. Ryan is engaged and working a decent job, and wants nothing to do with Georgie. However, this is complicated by the fact that Ryan is in fact a Visitor who is helping the humans.
Finally, we have Chad Decker, an ambitious reporter played by Scott Wolf. Chad is handpicked by Anna to do a one-on-one interview with her so she could communicate with people all around the world. However, right before the interview starts, in a scene that is arguably the best scene in the entire episode, Anna tells him that he cannot ask her any questions that would portray the visitors in a negative light. He tries to resist but she threatens to cancel the interview. Chad had two options here: accept this rule and be seen by billions of people worldwide or stay true to his own beliefs and turn down the exposure. He chooses the exposure.
Chad is, in my opinion, the most interesting character in the show so far and I'm hoping that as the season progresses, we get to see that all of the characters are like Chad is, conflicted and pushing for more. I'm just not getting my hopes up because network television has let me down on so many levels. V is certainly better than ABC's other new drama, FlashForward. I will tune back in next week to see just how many of these Visitors are already on Earth.
I'm still trying to decide whether I watch the old series now or if I should wait until this one ends. What do you guys think?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Dream of Californication
In the first two seasons of the vulgar show, Moody:
1) Struggled to write a new novel after a Hollywood adaptation ruined his last one. While doing this he is trying to win his girlfriend back before she ties the knot with another man and be a good father to his pre-teen daughter.
2) Met a rock star and wrote his autobiography. After winning back his girlfriend, he struggles to keep her and he's still trying to be a good role model for his daughter.
You see, Hank has a hard time being a role model because he constantly drinks, smokes, and has sex with women he just met. He is shameless and is no good at hiding it from his daughter. The third season, which just started, is the first that has (so far) been without Natascha McElhone, who plays Moody's longtime love interest Karen. The premise is that she is gone to New York for a new job. Left behind in California are Hank and his daughter Becca, played by the very convincing Madeleine Martin.
This is the first time that we've seen Hank trying to raise his daughter by himself and so far he's doing a miserable job. In the first episode he caught her smoking pot with a friend and the second episode ended with him throwing her cell phone against the wall and yelling "I hate you too!" while she runs to her room.
The first episode was, in a word, hilarious. The irony of Hank throwing a lit cigarette at the man whose house he would be eating at that evening was great! And then he re-awakes an alcohol addiction in a high-class college professor. When it is established that this professor will have to go back to rehab, the teaching job is then offered to Hank.

his love for whiskey in the season premiere of Californication.
The second episode gives us a glimpse of Hank's first days on the job. In this little while, Hank manages to hit on one of his sexier students, drink during his office hours, smoke up before a meeting with the Dean, and push a student to the brink of suicide. I believe it is a blend of his brutal honesty and obnoxiousness that bring about these situations in his life.
Even though this all seems a little ridiculous and unbelievable, it just works so well because the writing is just fantastic! Hank Moody is a sex addict, alcoholic, and pot head yet we're drawn to him and we want him to succeed in all of his endeavors. How can this be!? The writers have just created a character that is so complex. Despite the horrible side to Hank Moody, there is a certain humanity that appeals to us that we just can't ignore. We see the father who is desperately trying to connect with his daughter. We see the man who regrets decisions from his past and just wants his girlfriend back. It is these simple things that the audience can relate to and therefore take Hank's side.
On top of the character, each season has one overarching story line (much like Dexter, post on that coming soon). The overarching story progresses a little further with each episode and there are smaller sub plots that begin and end in the same episode. This keeps us interested in the larger story of the season and it keeps the show fresh with new content and characters.
I love this show. I think it gets better and better with each season. The writing is witty and the acting is authentic. It's vulgar, disgusting, and hilarious. Kudos, Showtime, for bringing us yet another great show. If you do not watch this show, I suggest you start because you're missing out on what great television really is.
Goodbye Summer... Hello TV!
a) Eaten all the food in my place.
b) Spent all the money I had in my bank account.
c) Watched The Godfather Part 1, 2, and 3.
d) Watched the complete 3rd season of Dexter.
Okay, the 3rd season of Dexter was watched in the last three days, not two weeks. But can you imagine watching twelve hours of mind-blowing television with no junk food to munch on at all!? I vowed to never do such a thing again.
Today I spent about an hour and a half at the grocery store, stocking up for the next few weeks of season premiers, movie nights, and old school cartoon marathons. So as soon as I came home, with a room full of food, I put on the first two episodes of the second season of Fringe.

I'm disappointed. The last season ended on such a high note (SPOILER ALERT): Olivia Dunham meeting with William Bell on the top floor of the World Trade Center in an alternate universe. It left me in wonder. It left me in awe. It left me craving more. So I was really looking forward to at least partial answers to some of these questions:
- How do people travel back and forth between all the alternate universes?
- WHAT THE EFF happened to the Peter Bishop from the universe we're in that Walter had to bring the other Peter Bishop over?
- What is going on in the alternate universe that Olivia and William Bell were in? What kind of world is it? What are some of its current events?
The first episode was effective enough. It established that Olivia didn't remember anything and was being tracked down by a shape-shifter being who would take the form of the last human he hooked his thinger-ma-jigger up to. The FBI was threatening to close down the Fringe division (similar to what happens in every other season of the X-Files). The episode ended on a cliff-hanger. I was okay with it. I didn't think the first episode was that bad.
Now for the second episode. I found this one to be long and boring. It told the story of a man who had genetically mutated his unborn son so that the kid would survive the childbirth (the mother had lupus therefore she couldn't give birth). The mother died while giving birth and, it was assumed, so did the child. Now, seventeen years later, people are disappearing in a small county in Pennsylvania. This half-human half-scorpion is living underground beneath his father's house and feasting on humans there. Peter and Olivia decide to go down and check it out. My biggest problem with this episode was that it felt as if I had seen it before. And I sort of have.
In the eighth season of the X-Files, there was an episode titled Patience that took place in Idaho about a genetically mutated human living underground, killing the people of a small community. This mutant was half-human half-bat but the resemblance is still too close for me. Everyone's comparing Fringe and the X-Files and now the writers of Fringe are giving us more and more reasons to do so. Not only was this episode boring, it had nothing to do with any of the Fringe mythology. No references to the pattern, the Fringe division being almost shut down, Massive Dynamic, William Bell, etc. We got to see more of the shape-shifters actions and Nina Sharp giving Olivia the name of a man who can help her overcome her symptoms of traveling between dimensions which include super-hearing powers. That was the extent of the mythology in the episode.
Other observations of the new season? Walter is a little more ridiculous in some of his dialogue but I like it still. He's always been funny and they're just pushing that a bit further.
And did anyone catch the X-Files shout out in the first episode?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
STORY - Substance, Structure, Style, and The Principles of Screenwriting
Last week, I had a reading assigned to me from Robert McKee's very popular screenwriting book STORY - Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting. Now when I say very popular screenwriting book, I mean very popular screenwriting book. It is the winner of the International Moving Image Book Award and has giant advertisements in every screenwriting magazine I've read.

So I open this book and start reading. The introduction hooked me right away. In it were eight statements about Story:
Story is about principles, not rules.
Story is about eternal, universal forms, not formulas.
Story is about archetypes, not stereotypes.
Story is about thoroughness, not shortcuts.
Story is about the realities, not the mysteries of writing.
Story is about mastering the art, not second-guessing the marketplace.
Story is about respect, not disdain, for the audience.
Story is about originality, not duplication.
Now, one could argue that these statements are made about McKee's book, since it is titled "Story" but I like to think that he's talking about actual stories. Everyone of these statements made me think of all of the current scripts I have in progress right now to see if they apply. Some of them do, some of them don't.
And it can be very hard to follow these "guidelines". Especially in today's world where there are so many stories circulating via film, novels, video games, music, and many more mediums, it is hard to come up with a story that is original. And then respect for the audience. As a storyteller, I get so caught up in my own world and the world of my story that I forget about the audience and just think about how I would like my story to go. Don't get me wrong, I will not write my story based on what an audience would want, but it's very important to keep them in mind while you're writing.
So thank you Robert McKee for opening my eyes a little more to the world of the storyteller. I very much enjoyed the introduction to your book.
Moving on the first chapter, this was a different story. The first chapter, titled The Story Problem, is McKee rambling bitterly about how writers these days are just not the same and how the "craft has been lost". Overall, it was a negative view on the screenwriting industry today. Since it's an industry I plan on entering, a negative insight on it isn't what I'm looking for. Where's the good!?
I haven't read any further than that yet though but I sure hope it turns around to something more positive.
Have you read any of Robert McKee's Story? What do you think?
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Return to Blogging!
- I moved into my Don suite in residence! This is a giant room that I am living in for the year while I am a Don (or R.A.) in my residence!
- Blink 182 live. That's right. I got tickets to see the comeback concert of one of my favorite bands! It. Was. Awesome! They got on stage and acted like they were 18 again. It was fantastic. There was no mention of their "hiatus", they just got on stage and played.. or as Tom put it, they "impregnated us with their music". And for the Encore, we got to see this:

- Don Training was about 12+ hours of intense training for 8 days. They trained us to deal with all sorts of crises and situations. It was nuts.
- Move in / Frosh Week: A fantastic time that I have experienced from almost every angle now (as a first year, a frosh boss, and a Don). I had a blast.
- Classes started up which meant a return to hardcore school-going. I'm in a lot of writing classes this year so I'm pretty excited to post some samples of my work.
So stay tuned! I've been watching a lot of movies and have a lot to comment on! I missed you interwebz. I'm glad we've been reunited!

Friday, August 21, 2009
HP You on You: I'm a Nick
I put a lot of time into the video and I am very proud of it. But I need your help, dear reader.
If you like my video, it would be greatly appreciated if you went to YouTube and rated my video 5 stars. You see, the finalists and winners are in large part decided by the community votes. So please, if you like my video, head on down and rate it here!
Thank you so much!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First Sample of my Work
A small station wagon is parked outside of a gas station. The
engine is running.
Three men sit in the car. BILL is sitting in the drivers seat. He is
fiddling with the radio. He will listen to one station for a
few seconds while looking around the parking lot, and then
change it. He does this over and over again.
In the passenger seat, CURLY (mid-40s, messy hair, casually
dressed) rolls his eyes.
Jesus Christ man shut that fuckin'
thing off!
Bill turns off the radio.
Okay, are we ready?
Bill starts to pace in his seat nervously. His hands begin to
tap the steering wheel impatiently.
(Keeping his lips sealed.)
Curly notices his nervous twitches.
Oh you're not gonna get cold feet
on me are you? Look man, if you
fuckin' bolt while I'm in there--
I'm fine.
You don't look fine. You're
sweatin' like a pig.
Bill takes a handkerchief out of his breast pocket and wipes
the sweat off of his forehead.
It's hot, that's all.
You've got the fuckin' air
conditioning on full blast!
Look I'm fine.
You said you needed this.
I do.
Okay, so let's go over it again.
In the backseat, SCAR (50s, short hair, long scar down the
side of his face, big build) sits calmly looking out the
window at the gas station.
You go in...(he swallows with
difficulty) do your thing... you
get back in the car and I drive
Curly goes to open the door.
But what's this guy here for?
Bill motions to the back of the car.
Scar here's got some talents that
might come in handy.
Curly smiles and leaves the vehicle. When the door closes, a
tense silence sets in. Bill wipes the sweat off of his
forehead again and goes back to tapping on the steering
wheel. Scar continues to look out the window calmly.
Bill looks at Scar in the rearview mirror.
So what's this special talent that
you've got?
Not a talker huh?
Silence. Bill rolls his eyes. He reaches to turn on the
Bill stops and takes his hand away.
Silence. Bill is so restless that he can't stop moving. His
nerves are getting worse.
I'm not actually a thief.
He checks both of his side mirrors and then looks again in
the rearview.
I just lost my job and--you know-
gotta pay those bills!
He laughs nervously. No reaction from Scar.
Suddenly Curly is urgently knocking on the passenger side's
window. Bill unlocks the door and Curly jumps in.
Bill can't move. He is panick-stricken.
Why!? What's wrong!?
A LOUD BANG is heard and the backseat window SHATTERS as a
bullet goes through it. The two men in the front seat put
their heads between their knees.
In the backseat, Scar reaches for the door handle.
Scar exits the vehicle and pulls a handgun out of his jacket.
He points it over the car at the GAS STATION EMPLOYEE and
fires once. The bullet goes right through the man's forehead
and he falls to the ground.
Scar re-enters the car and closes the door. There is a
silence. Bill is afraid to move.
Bill puts the car in "Drive" and pulls out of the gas
EDIT: I realized that my post was TOO long, so I edited it to just include one of the scenes.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Rewatch: "The Sixth Sense"
I hadn't seen the movie in almost ten years (since it first came out) and all I remembered from it was its infamous twist ending so I was in dire need of this rewatch.
The script was amazing. The subtle signs and foreshadowing that are given to the viewer leave one in awe. Structurally, the script is perfect. He gives the right pieces of information at the right time and strings the viewer along this way. Just when the last interesting thing was over, BAM! You're hit with something new. For example, we know something's wrong with Cole right from the start. He's a strange, strange kid and we see this through many events (his episode in the class room: "Stuttering Stanley!", the birthday party, etc.). But just as we are getting tired of seeing all of his weird antics, we're hit with the problem ("I see dead people"). Some writers string the viewer along for too long, losing their interest; and others don't do it for long enough, failing to grasp the interest of the viewer. But Shyamalan gives us just the right dose to keep us in it.
Secondly, the movie could almost be split into 2 separate films. The first half of the film is a character piece about both Cole and Malcolm. We find out Cole's secret, Malcolm abandons him, and the film could have ended right there. Not too satisfying of an ending but I've seen much worse. The second half of the film is Cole dealing with his problem. He starts to help the ghosts that come to him. Notice that from the beginning to the end, the story, and the goal of the protagonist, has changed. This is how you keep an audience's attention. If you spend an hour and a half on one thing (in this case it would be Cole's secret), the audience gets bored. By changing the direction in which the film is going, and throwing unexpected twists at the audience (Malcolm deciding to help Cole, Cole taking Malcom's advice), the writer was able to keep their attention the whole time.
Now let's move on to the twist ending. What amazes me most is that there are signs throughout the whole film that indicate Malcom's fate and the viewer just never catches on. Look closely: whenever there is a ghost around, the color red is present. Everytime Malcolm is onscreen (and I watched for this), something red is in the area. The doorknob to his basement office is red for christ sakes. Once we find out Cole's secret, it is almost obvious Malcolm is dead...if you know what to look for. The only person who looks at Malcolm is Cole. In his many encounters with his wife, never once does she look at him. Sitting in the living room with Cole's mom, they were not speaking and she wasn't looking at him. If you look closely after the shooting, Malcolm doesn't wear his wedding ring. There are many shots of his naked left hand, which is an indication that he is no longer with his wife. The brilliance in the script is that Shyamalan was able to cover this all up with the rest of the film. It's deception. He had the audience's attention on Cole the whole time when the really interesting bit was Malcolm. When you don't know where to look, you wouldn't believe how much you miss.
The acting in this film was excellent. Genuine, to say the least. Little Haley Joel Osment was terrifying and is probably the reason why quiet little kids scare me these days. Bruce Willis delivered probably the best dramatic performance of his career. And even the supporting cast did a great job (Toni Collette as Lynn Sear, Cole's mother, and Olivia Williams as Anna Crowe, Malcolm's wife). One of the cast members said they didn't know the film was a horror until they saw the final product so during shooting, they treated it as a drama. Perhaps that's one of the reasons the performances felt so real. Generally, acting for horror films is very over-the-top and cheesy (see any Horror flick of the 21st century).
The Sixth Sense got six well-deserved Oscar nominations in 1999 including Best Picture, Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Actress in a Supporting Role, and Best Writing - Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen. It is one of only four horror films to get a nomination for best picture. It didn't win any Oscars, but that could be because it was up against American Beauty that year. No other film had any chance.
And as for you M. Night Shyamalan, you're trying too hard now. I believe after the Sixth Sense, his next attempt at a horror with a twist was The Village and I think the world would be better off if that film hadn't been made. Since then it's just been one bad movie after another. My suggestion? Take a break and stop trying so hard. I find that even with my writing, if I'm trying to write something a certain way, I fail every time. You just have to write what comes out of you and stop trying to tell yourself to write a certain way.
What drives me nuts about this guy is that it feels like he's making movies just for the sake of making them now. There is no meaning to them and they're boring. Make something meaningful to you, who cares if it's not a horror or doesn't have a twist ending. Movies aren't (or shouldn't be..who am I kidding we all know they totally are) about money. And audiences can tell when it's meaningless.
Anywho, great movie. Watch it again if you haven't seen it in ten years and appreciate the writing! I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Alive in Joburg: A Short Film by Neill Blomkamp
Film Review: District 9
Up and coming filmmakers must think to themselves: "How can I break this pattern? What can I do that will set my film apart from the rest?"
Neil Blomkamp has answered those questions and the result is a fantastically written, captivating story called District 9.
In the film, a massive alien ship enters Earths atmosphere and hovers calmly over the city of Johannesburg. It sits there for three months before humans decide that something must be done and they force their way in. Inside, they find rotting extraterrestrials. So the humans set up a ghetto-like camp in the city of Johannesburg where these aliens reside for a little over twenty years. Throughout this time, tension rises in the city as the extraterrestrials and humans clash. Riots break out. People die (alien and human). The human population decides that the aliens must be moved outside of the city. MNU (Multi-National United), a private international company, was contracted with the eviction of the aliens to a location outside of the city.
Wikus Van De Merwe, our protagonist, is put in charge of the operation. He is soon thrust into an incredible situation where (without giving too much away) he has to help the aliens escape as MNU is performing terrible experiments on them.
Blomkamp created an amazing universe here. And the most amazing thing about it is that it's so much like our own. Born in South Africa, his inspiration for the film was drawn from his experience growing up through the end of apartheid and the toll it took on the country.
Newcomer Sharlto Coply played the part of Wikus flawlessly. From the comedy to the dramatic, he didn't miss a beat. The confused Wikus often doesn't know which side he's on or who to relate to. Before, he believed what he was told to believe and you really feel the indecision in the character right to the final battle.
The film was told documentary style and just the right amount of information was given to the audience at just the right times. There's some forshadowing to pick up on and there's also a lot of irony which gave the script a lot of depth.
The aliens themselves are completely CGI but Blomkamp does such a great job personifying them that you don't even notice. Through the documentary footage at the beginning of the film, the aliens are portrayed as wild, evil creatures. The humans called them "prawns", a derogatory term that was picked up because of their shellfish look. However, as the film progresses, we see a race much like our own, just trying to get by on what they can. They are confused as to why they are being moved. We become familiar with a father who is looking after his son. He treats his son much like a human father would: with compassion. He is trying to keep him safe at all costs. I've read some reviews where the reviewer says that it is hard to relate to these aliens because of their tentacles and overall disgusting body. This is not true. They have big eyes that portray a lot of emotion. All you have to do is look in there and you can relate.
You will find yourself rooting for the alien species. The film does not portray the humans in a good light, but a true one. Because of their difference, we isolate these beings and take what we can from them. We steal their powerful weapons (which can only be operated by one with the alien DNA), we experiment on their bodies and their technology, and we cage them off from the rest of the world. Sure, one could call it a defense mechanism but I see it as more taking advantage of a weaker species. Selfish, I suppose, would be the best way to describe it.
I told my friend on the way home that if you took out the aliens and replaced them with humans, the film would make just as much sense. It is about accepting difference no matter colour or race. It's about equality and compassion. This movie is packed full of meaning that there is no way it could be analyzed after one viewing. I look forward to seeing it again. And keep an eye out for that Neil Blomkamp. I guarantee that he will make a huge impact on the film industry.
If you haven't seen this movie, I urge you to go to the theatre and see it! It is a unique experience (one that I'm sure won't be recognised by the Academy) and you won't regret it. By far, the best film this summer.
10 out of 10.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Les Paul dies at 94
Paul was also a pioneer of guitar amplification. So all of you parents who are kicking yourselves for buying your kid that amp for his electric guitar because he keeps making that extremely loud fuzzy noise which doesn't sound like music at all, you can thank Les Paul for inventing both of those pieces of equipment.
In 2005, at the age of 90, Les Paul released a new album titled Les Paul & Friends: American Made, World Played, which was his first album with original material since 1977 and his first official rock CD. The album featured great guitarists such as Peter Frampton, Jeff Beck, and Eric Clapton. The album won a couple Grammys. Now hold on a minute, he put out a grammy-winning rock album at the age of 90!?! That, my friends, is an accomplishment. To top it off too, he was crippled by arthritis in his left hand many years ago so he can't play the crazy fast riffs that he used to but still - HE PUT OUT A ROCK ALBUM AT THE AGE OF 90!
All of his inventions contributed to the rise of rock n' roll starting in the 50s. So for that, Mr. Paul, I thank you. Thank you for giving Jimmy Page the tools he needed to create Stairway to Heaven. Thank you for giving musicians a new way to express themselves. Thank you for sharing your love and passion for music. You will be missed. Rest in Peace.
But since when does a guitar legend live to be 94!? Shouldn't he have died from a heroine overdose like 50 years ago!?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
'Scar Tissue' to become HBO Mini Series
Sorry I've been gone for so long - been super busy (preparing a massive post about my four day vacation to NYC!)
I just came across this on the interwebz:
"Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis is developing a series for HBO based on his unconventional, rock 'n' roll childhood.
Kiedis has partnered with Catapult 360 partners Marc Abrams and Michael Benson to create the series, tentatively titled 'Scar Tissue.'
Abrams and Benson are scouting for a writer to pen the script, which will center on Kiedis' relationship with his father, Spider, who sold drugs and mingled with rock stars on the Sunset Strip, all while aspiring to get into showbiz.
The show will begin with young Kiedis moving from Grand Rapids, Mich., to West Hollywood to live with his dad. But Kiedis' father, having been raised in a tyrannical household, decided to go to the other extreme." (source)
This is exciting (and apparently old) news! One thing not included in this article is that they did find a writer in John Sayles who penned scripts such as "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and "Sunshine State".
The Red Hot Chili Peppers have been one of my favorite bands since I read Kiedis' autobiography 'Scar Tissue':
This book was captivating. Not only did it let us peek into the life of a recovering drug addict, it also gave us a breakdown of what it's like coming up in the rock n' roll world. It spent time as #1 on the New York Times Bestsellers List and let's us into Keidis' life. And not just the bad boy rocker, but the man himself, who struggled with heroine for many years and shared friendships with some of the great icons of the 90s (such as Kurt Cobaine and Cher).
This miniseries sounds like it's going to be fantastic! Thank God it's on HBO where they censor less and give us a more realistic portrayal of Keidis' childhood. It will concentrate more on Keidis' years growing up with his father and less on his rock n' roll adulthood. I'm totally cool with that. Considering his father dealt drugs to The Who and Led Zeppelin, this should make for some pretty good TV!
If you haven't read the book, read it! It's just fantastic!
EDIT: I just read on Ultimate Guitar that the Red Hot Chili Peppers are ending their two year hiatus! They plan to reconvene in October and begin work on a new album. What a great day for Chili Pepper news! Whatta yall think?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Album Review: Our Lady Peace's "Burn, Burn"

So I bought the album a couple of weeks ago and I've held off writing a review because I wanted to listen to it through several times and get a real feel for the album before judging it.
Our Lady Peace has always been one of my favorite bands. So it was really tough for me seeing their last studio album ("Healthy in Paranoid Times") take such a toll on them. Without going into too much detail on why that album was so bad, let's just say that "Burn, Burn" is a step up.
In the months leading up to the album release, the band kept insisting that this album was their return to the "Clumsy" and "Naveed" days:
"We've come full circle and the music is just stripped down, full of raw energy. It feels like a proper rock record again" -Raine Maida (source)
...Ah, those were the days. The album, however, is no "Clumsy". When the band compares it to their previous albums, I feel like they are making reference to the way it was made: just five guys in a room playing music. It was self produced (Producing credits went to "Raine Maida and Our Lady Peace") and was completely recorded and mixed in Raine's personal studio in his home. Their last two albums, the most mainstream and shallow of all seven, were produced by rock producer Bob Rock who helped OLP reach mainstream status with their hit "Somewhere Out There" off of their album "Gravity". I have to say, ditching the big time producer was a good move on the band's part.
The album kicks off with the first single and the somewhat poppy "All You Did Was Save My Life". This song is not a song that would have found itself on "Clumsy". It reminds me more of their later days stuff. But even though it seems like a simple song about a relationship, something tells me there is more to it than that. It's packed full of symbolism and is actually pretty catchy. To be honest, the whole album is packed full of symbolism.
The profound "Dreamland" and the paranoid "Monkey Brains" are heavier and more OLP-ish than their last album ever was. The bass line and lyrics in "Money Brains" give the listener a tingle down their spine as the song creates an uncomfortable atmosphere. "The End is Where We Begin" and "White Flags" are upbeat, catchy, and seemingly more optimistic.
The anchor of the album, however, is the final song "Paper Moon". This is the song that reminds me the most of the "Clumsy" days. It is without a doubt my favourite song on the album, with a simple guitar riff (but complex solo), heavy drumbeat, captivating lyrics, and Raine's amazing vocals.
Overall, I like the album. I've been reading a lot of bad reviews and people calling it "mediocre". It will not be in the mainstream but when was Our Lady Peace ever in the mainstream? Especially in the new millenium? Their golden era was in the 90s when "Superman's Dead" and "Clumsy" were circulating on the airwaves.
I give it 3 out of 4 stars. The band has changed since "Clumsy". The music has changed with them. There are still hints of the old Our Lady Peace in the new music which is nice to see but I don't think we'll ever have another album out of them like "Clumsy". I'm satisfied with this though, as long as we don't get another "Healthy in Paranoid Times"!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Trilogy Post Part Three: The Food
I apologize for the tardiness of it, I have had quite a busy week.
So last Friday Aleks and I enjoyed the Summerlicious Menus downtown Toronto at the Royal York's branch of Benihana. It was great!
For those of you who don't know, Benihana is a Japanese restaurant where the cooking of your food is done right in front of you! Normally a very expensive restaurant, a three course meal only cost us 45$ a person. The summerlicious menu was as follows:
Crab Stick, Masago, Avocado, Cucumber
Vegetable Tempura
Asparagus, Shiitake Mushrooms, Sweet Potato, Red and Green Peppers, Broccoli, House Made Tempura Sauce
Spicy Avocado Roll
Pineapple, Cucumber, Chili-Lime Mayo
Main course is prepared at your table and served with Japanese Onion Soup, Benihana Salad, Shrimp Appetizers, Hibachi Vegetables, and Rice:
Teriyaki Chicken
Vegetarian Saishoku
Hibachi Steak
Teriyaki Steak
Mandarin Orange Cheesecake
Grand Marnier Anglaise
Mango Pot de Crème
Green Tea Ice Cream
This is probably one of the coolest restaurants I've ever been to. The chefs basically put on a show for you with the way they cook. The way it works is that they sit you at a table that holds 7 people, like this:
They then serve you your starters. When you've eaten your starters, the chef makes his way to your table and begins cooking the entree meal for all seven people. The center of the table (see the metal part in the picture) heats up and turns into their grill. They cut everything up, throw some of it in the air, play with their knives. It's quite the show!
If I were a food critic, I would give the food at this joint 4 out of 4! It was fantastic! I had the Avocado Rolls as a starter (some of the best sushi I've ever had) and ordered Steak Teryaki as my entree. The steak was amazing! I loved it! Aleks had the Vegetable Tempura as her starter and opted to go with the Chicken Teryaki which she enjoyed as much as I enjoyed my steak! The amount of food they give you is unreal! It was hard to eat all of the meat and veggies that came on your plate!
The food, as well as awesome tablemates made this night extremely enjoyable! If anyone's looking for a classy place to eat, I would recommend this a thousand times!
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Trilogy Post Part Two: The Music

If you can read, then you know by now that that is a ticket to see 19 year old YouTube sensation Bo Burnham. The show was Friday night at The Second City in Toronto.
If you don't know who he is, here's a clip of what made him so popular:
He. Was. Hilarious! He played a nice mix of new songs and some of his YouTube hits. He's racist. He's sexist. He's rude. He's vulgar. And most of all, he's daring. At such a young age, he has skyrocketed to the top (almost) of the comedy train since he's been recruited by Just For Laughs for their tour.
What worried me a little bit was how much stand-up he did compared to music. He's making a slow transition from music to stand-up: he would stop in the middle of some songs to tell jokes and he finished maybe one song all night.
However, this does not turn me away from Bo Burnham. He takes what's popular in politics and entertainment and puts a funny and ironic spin on it. Listen to the song I posted: it's so smart! Regardless of the path he chooses, be it music or stand-up, I will remain an avid fan.
He's also a great example of someone who sat in their bedroom and just did what they loved and got rich off of it. YouTube is in. It's the new way to get your shit out there. It connects billions of people worldwide and it's what makes you popular today.
Good job Bo, and good luck in the future!